1. Little hat for Arushi :
I mixed 3 great ideas and made 1 hat. mostly made with single crochet, the raffles made with double crochet.
1. Pink and white yard Dahlia : I made this with single, half double, double,triple crochet. Very easy. This goes with Yellow hat.
2. Yellow and pink rose :
3. Scary Cute :
Its Halloween doll, I made this in half single crochet and sewed them together. Stuffed some cotton and small bells to make some sound. She loves it :) . But she did not get scared! :( .
4. Folded Origami scrap book
4 Individual origami twisted folds combined to make a scrap book for Arushi. It is completely filled yet, Planing to write some of her unique activities or stages until she is 1 .
5. 6 feet long wool blanket
6. Baby pumpkin carve